Plant Protein: Do You Get Enough?

Plant Protein: Do You Get Enough?

Plant Protein: Do You Get Enough?

Eating more plant foods provides a range of health benefits including a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. One of the most impactful health changes is swapping animal proteins for plant proteins such as beans, lentils, soy foods (tofu, edamame, tempeh), nuts and seeds. Whole grains also provide some protein.

A common question and concern when shifting to a plant-based way of eating is whether plants can offer enough protein. The answer is yes - a thoughtfully planned way of eating with plant foods can absolutely provide adequate protein. How much protein we need depends on age, sex, life stage and activity level.

To reach protein needs with plant foods, consider these strategies.

For more information, read 5 Ways to Eat More Plant Protein and 10 Easy Plant-Based Protein Swaps. Talk to a practitioner about reaching individual protein needs.

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