Master the Art of Mindful Cooking

Master the Art of Mindful Cooking

Master the Art of Mindful Cooking

We could all use some more mindful moments to cherish the small pleasures of life such as the aroma of sizzling garlic and onions. As a broad concept, mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to an experience, purposefully and non-judgmentally. Mindful eating may be a familiar idea. But mindfulness shouldn’t only occur at the dinner table. 

Mindful cooking brings the concept of mindfulness to the process of cooking. When you are cooking mindfully, you are paying attention to the experience of cooking. Why is this important? Cooking may sometimes feel like a drag. Maybe it seems like another chore, one that requires lots of effort and time on your feet. And you might not even get a word of thanks in return!

Mindful cooking can help you enjoy the process of cooking and can also support your practice of mindful eating. Here are some ways to master the art of mindful cooking:

  • Plan meals and snacks thoughtfully. Mindful cooking starts on paper. Plan what you intend to cook and write the corresponding grocery list, cross referencing any pantry staples you already have.

  • Write out a cooking plan. If you’re cooking a dish with several steps or if you’re preparing multiple dishes at one time, write out a plan. I use a whiteboard on my refrigerator to sketch out the logical order of cooking steps so I don’t have to overthink it when I’m in the cooking zone.

  • Add music. Rather than drawing your attention away from cooking, music may enhance the experience.

  • Recruit your senses. Notice the bright colors and varied textures of your ingredients. Listen to the sounds of your knife hitting the cutting board. Taste dishes as you adjust ingredients or cooking time as needed. Note how flavors change as you go along. Breathe in deeply to appreciate the aromas.

Whatever you’re whipping up in the kitchen, try mindfulness practices to increase your enjoyment of the cooking process and the delicious meal that results.

Edamame and Fresh Corn Salad

Edamame and Fresh Corn Salad

