5 Fermentation Tips

5 Fermentation Tips

5 Fermentation Tips

Humans have fermented a variety of foods since the dawn of civilization for many reasons. Fermenting foods extends their storage time, inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria, improves their nutritional qualities and may increase their digestibility. Learn more about fermented foods including their potential health benefits. Commercially available fermented foods include yogurt, miso, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables. If you’re looking to ferment at home, start with these tips. 

  1. Educate yourself with fermentation resources. Sandor Ellix Katz’s bestseller The Art of Fermentation is a leading guide for DIY fermentation. Other popular resources include Fermented Vegetables by Christopher Shockey and Kirsten K. Shockey and Preserving the Japanese Way by Nancy Singleton Hachisu. 

  2. Get inspired with colors and flavors. Build confidence with a simple fermented vegetable such as sauerkraut. Even a straightforward recipe can be enhanced with some additional vegetables or spices. Versions of sauerkraut I’ve enjoyed: spicy (scallions, crushed red pepper flakes), cumin (cumin seeds), turmeric jalapeño, caraway (carrot, dill, caraway seeds) and beet ginger.

  3. Invest in appropriate fermentation vessels. Wide-mouth glass jars like large Mason jars are an accessible, affordable option. Ceramic crocks, often made specifically for fermentation, are also a good choice. Avoid metal containers.

  4. Taste often. Each fermentation is different. Factors such as room temperature, time of year and ingredients can all affect the fermentation process. Taste as you go so your fermented goodies are to your liking. When the taste is just right, store in the refrigerator.

  5. Use the juice. The leftover juice from fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut or kimchi may be a bit salty and tangy, but it works great in small quantities in dressings or as a cooking ingredient. This Kale and Lentil Salad incorporates pickle juice in the vinaigrette.

How do you like to enjoy fermented foods? Let us know @GPEmbrace. Try simple recipes that include a fermented ingredient:

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