How to Solve Cooking Burnout

How to Solve Cooking Burnout

How to Solve Cooking Burnout

If you have ever felt uninspired or overwhelmed by the prospect of cooking, you may be experiencing cooking burnout. For those of us responsible for getting food on the table everyday, cooking burnout is common. The first step to solving cooking burnout is acknowledging that it exists and what you are feeling is valid. If you are cooking for others, communicate your feelings with them. Then, you can mobilize. Here are some ideas to address cooking burnout.

  • Log favorite meals (with or without recipes, however you prepare them). When you’re feeling burned out, you will have a library of meals to choose from.

  • Create a meal theme for each day of the week. Think Meatless Monday, Taco Tuesday or Fish Friday. 

  • Make cooking less of a chore. Jam out to a great playlist or turn on a podcast or book on tape. Call a friend or family member while you cook.

  • Redefine what a meal is. Assemble a snack plate. Make breakfast for dinner. Incorporate better-for-you convenience items like hummus, baby carrots or pre-washed lettuces.

  • Batch prep and cook. Wash and prep ingredients in advance of making a meal. Make large quantities of a meal at once and rely on leftovers later. 

  • Master the art of mindful cooking.

  • Utilize kitchen tools. Simple kitchen tools such as a vegetable peeler can provide inspiration to prepare an ingredient in a new way. Turn carrots into Ginger Lime Carrot Noodles.

  • Take a break from cooking. We all need it sometimes.

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