How to Make a Crudité Platter

How to Make a Crudité Platter

How to Make a Crudité Platter

A crudité platter is a French appetizer spread with raw vegetables and dip that can be served at a variety of occasions including a weekday family dinner or a weekend party with friends. Arrange vegetables and dip on a large wooden board for a delicious, colorful spread! To turn a crudité platter into a snack platter, add other foods such as crackers, pita bread, olives, nuts, seeds and cheese. 

Pick vegetables:

Cucumber slices
Baby carrots
Bell pepper strips or mini bell peppers
Green beans
Cherry tomatoes
Snap peas

Pick a dip:

Roasted Baba Ganoush
Beet Tzatziki
Italian White Bean Dip
Garlic Hummus
Turmeric Tahini Sauce

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