Roasted Head of Garlic

Roasted Head of Garlic

Roasted Head of Garlic

While it is debated whether garlic is a root vegetable or not, it does grow underground. Garlic is typically categorized as an allium, a family of vegetables that also includes onions, shallots, scallions, leeks, chives, ramps and more. While raw garlic in a sauce is spicy and pungent, cooked garlic tastes sweet. Roasting garlic has a classic garlic flavor that enhances so many dishes. 

Preheat the oven to 400°F. Remove some of the papery skin on the outside of 1 head of garlic. Slice off and discard the top of the head of garlic and place the remaining head on a piece of aluminum foil. Drizzle 1 Tb olive oil over the head of garlic and wrap it in the foil. Place the garlic on a sheet pan and roast for about 40 minutes. Once roasted, remove the garlic cloves from the head of garlic with a fork. They should be soft and spreadable.

Pro tip: blend roasted garlic into hummus or pesto, spread on bread, mash into potatoes, shake it up with a salad dressing, rub onto fish or chicken before baking or mix with Greek yogurt for an easy dip. For a more mild garlic flavor, cook with garlic-infused oil.

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