Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day?

Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day?

Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day?

Some people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but some people don’t eat breakfast at all. Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? It depends. There’s no one right way to structure meals. Some people prefer three square meals a day, some prefer smaller meals starting later in the day and others prefer no structure at all. Your way of eating should be very individual to you.

If you’re looking to make a change or you are not achieving your health goals, take a look at breakfast. There are a few common ways that many people go awry with the first meal of the day. Typical breakfast options in the Western diet include foods high in saturated fat, added sugars and refined carbohydrates like bacon, cereal and baked goods, respectively. Other breakfast foods are low in protein and fiber. Also, many people skip breakfast but then find themselves ravenously hungry later on in the day and eat more than they intend. These individuals may benefit from a meal or snack earlier in the day to stabilize blood sugar levels and curb hunger.

Here are quick tips for boosting the nutrition of your breakfast options:

  • Swap out the processed meat including breakfast sausage, bacon, ham and more. 

  • Include a source of protein from other foods. Choose eggs, yogurt, tofu and beans. Nuts and seeds can also provide protein at breakfast.

  • Choose products with low or no added sugar. Check out the Nutrition Facts panel and ingredients list on a product to see if it contains added sugar. Common names for added sugar in an ingredients list include sucrose and other words ending in -ose, barley malt, syrups, cane juice and more.

  • Opt for whole grains over refined grains. Find a 100% whole wheat product using these strategies. First, check out the ingredients list. The first ingredient should be “whole wheat” or another “whole” grain. Multigrain means many grains, but they’re not necessarily whole grains. Second, look for the Whole Grain Stamp, a yellow stamp on the front of a package that indicates how many grams of whole grain ingredients are in the product. Do not rely on the food’s label or color to identify whole grains.

  • Choose health-promoting foods like greens, fruit, nuts, seeds and tofu that might not be in traditional breakfast dishes.

  • Include fruit like apples and watermelon and/or veggies in breakfast.

Whether breakfast is the most important meal of the day depends on you - your needs, preferences and health goals. Try these nutritious breakfast recipes:

Miso Ginger Dressing

Miso Ginger Dressing

Avocado Egg Salad

Avocado Egg Salad