Balsamic Roasted Strawberries

Balsamic Roasted Strawberries

In June, Great Performances celebrates strawberries - juicy, tart and perfectly sweet. Try roasting strawberries with balsamic vinegar or balsamic reduction. Serve with plain yogurt, oatmeal or with desserts. 

Heat the oven to 375 °F. Hull or de-stem 16 ounces of strawberries using a paring knife. Cut the strawberries in half. In a medium bowl, toss the strawberries with 2 Tb high-quality aged balsamic vinegar or balsamic reduction and ½ tsp ground black pepper. Lay out strawberries on a sheet pan covered in parchment paper. Cook for 30 minutes until strawberries are soft but not mushy. Add 2 Tb chopped basil or mint (optional).

Have you ever tried roasting fruit? Share with us @GPEmbrace!

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