Quick Tip: 5 Ways to Reduce Gas from Eating Beans and Other Legumes

Quick Tip: 5 Ways to Reduce Gas from Eating Beans and Other Legumes

Ever heard the rhyme, “beans, beans, they’re good for your heart…?” You know where I’m going with this. A common concern about eating beans and other legumes is increased gas and bloating. Certain carbohydrates in legumes can cause gas because they are partially digested in the small intestine and then fermented by the bacteria in the large intestine. This normal process gives off gas. Let’s touch on some ways to alleviate gas from eating legumes.

 1. Drain and rinse canned legumes. Some of the gas-promoting carbohydrates leach out into the water in the can. The same principle applies for preparing dried beans. After soaking dried beans, discard the water and cook the beans in fresh water.

2. When introducing legumes into your diet, eat a small amount at one time. Start with 1-2 tablespoons and work up to ½ cup, or 1 serving. Enjoy legumes daily or for at least a few consecutive days so the body can adapt.

 3. Try digestive enzymes. Supplements like Beano may help the body reduce gas production because they contain enzymes that support digestion of high-fiber foods.

 4. Pair legumes with herbs such as oregano, rosemary, fennel and cilantro. These herbs may support better digestion.

5. Eat a variety of legumes. Tolerance to one legume may not be the same as to others.


American Institute for Cancer Research. AICR’s Foods that Fight Cancer: Dry Beans and Peas (Legumes). Available from: https://www.aicr.org/foods-that-fight-cancer/legumes.html

PennState Extension. Legumes. February 2019. Available from: https://extension.psu.edu/legumes-a-nutrition-powerhouse

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