6 Ways to Stay Active During the Holidays

6 Ways to Stay Active During the Holidays

Hitting the gym isn’t the only way to exercise during the holiday season. Practice healthy habits by staying active throughout the winter.

1. Try a winter activity. Take up ice skating, skiing, snowboarding, indoor rollerblading, rock climbing, hiking or snowshoeing. These are all fun winter adventures that also help you break a sweat.

2. Make it a family affair. For all the winter sports and activities mentioned, bring friends and family. By inviting your loved ones to exercise with you, you can accomplish two things - being active and spending time together.

3. Crush an at-home workout. It may not be realistic to go to a gym or fitness studio during your busy holiday schedule. However, a quick Google search reveals an abundance of free resources for at-home workouts that don’t require space or equipment.

4. Adjust your expectations. Perhaps you can’t make it to the gym for an hour, but you can do a 20-minute at-home workout or 30-minute walk in the neighborhood. Any time spent moving your body is better than none.

5. Prioritize physical activity. Make exercise the first thing you cross off your to-do list. Being physically active in the morning reduces the likelihood that your workout will be derailed by conflicts that inevitably pop up throughout the day.

6. Shift your mindset around exercise. Exercise is not a chore or obligation; rather, it’s a privilege to be able to move and strengthen your body. If you are able to take part in movement or exercise, honor that gift.

Staying physically active enables us to do everyday things like climbing the stairs and playing with our kids. Take care of yourself this holiday season with a commitment to staying active and engaging in other healthy habits.

What’s your favorite winter workout? Let us know @GPEmbrace

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