Prebiotics: Food for Gut Bacteria

Prebiotics: Food for Gut Bacteria

Prebiotics are carbohydrates in plant foods that encourage the growth of gut bacteria beneficial to health, also called “good” gut bacteria. Foods with prebiotics include: asparagus, garlic, onions, leeks, bananas, artichokes, sunchokes, edamame and whole grains. By eating more foods with prebiotics, we can stimulate the activity of good bacteria.

In addition to supporting the diversity of our gut bacteria, eating more foods with prebiotics may improve blood cholesterol, blood sugar control and body weight management.

Prebiotics are different than probiotics, live microorganisms that replenish our community of gut bacteria. Both prebiotics and probiotics work together to restore the balance of gut bacteria and improve gut health.

Webinar: Gut Health

Webinar: Gut Health

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