Mindful Eating Tips

Mindful Eating Tips

Mindful eating is the practice of paying attention to the experience of eating, purposefully and non-judgmentally. Eating mindfully, as opposed to mindlessly, improves our relationship with food and promotes healthy eating habits such as eating slowly, honoring our hunger cues and dissociating food from emotional coping.

 Six ways to practice mindful eating:

  1. Eat only when you feel hungry. If you’re unsure if you’re hungry, wait ten minutes and reevaluate.

  2. Eat slowly. As your stomach fills with food, your body sends hormonal signals to the brain that you are comfortably full. This process can take twenty minutes. Eating too quickly can disrupt this communication and result in overeating.

  3. Silence your phone and turn off the television during meals.

  4. Enjoy meals with friends, family and coworkers.

  5. Eat at a table.

  6. Consider where your food comes from and express gratitude for the opportunity to enjoy it.

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