Turmeric Cauliflower

Turmeric Cauliflower

Turmeric Cauliflower

Related to ginger, turmeric is a spice that comes from a plant grown in both Asia and Central America. Known for its bright yellow color, turmeric and the primary active ingredients it contains such as curcuminoids have been studied for potential health benefits. Turmeric has a peppery, earthy flavor. 

Serves 4

Preheat the oven to 400°F. Add 4 cups cauliflower (about 1 large head of cauliflower) and 2 Tb sesame oil (or another neutral oil) to a large mixing bowl. Toss to coat. In a small mixing bowl, mix 1 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp curry powder, 1 tsp ground cumin and a pinch of salt. Add spices to the cauliflower and toss to coat. Roast for 30 minutes or until lightly browned. Toss with the zest and juice of ½ lime and ¼ cup chopped cilantro before serving.

Pro tip: serve turmeric cauliflower with rice and Crispy Baked Tofu.

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