10 Simple Ways to Improve Wellness in the Workplace

10 Simple Ways to Improve Wellness in the Workplace

10 Simple Ways to Improve Wellness in the Workplace

Wellness is a state of good health impacted by daily behaviors and choices. Wellness is not a destination to be reached; rather, it is a journey that requires active engagement. To enhance overall well-being, consider habits related to life at work as well as at home. Here are 10 simple ways to improve wellness in the workplace.

  1. Buddy up. There are many ways in which having a work partner who is equally as committed to improving wellness can be beneficial. Plan to walk together during a conference call. Take turns refilling each other’s waters at the water cooler. 

  2. Plan team bonding that supports healthy habits. Play pickleball together. Organize a make your own mocktail class. Bring in a meditation expert. Join a kickball league.

  3. Join a workplace CSA. Fresh vegetables delivered right to the office? Say no more!

  4. Check in on colleagues. Life at work can be very busy, but do not forget to ask colleagues how they are doing and provide a listening ear.

  5. Coordinate a meal prep swap. Partner up with a colleague who likes to batch cook. One colleague brings in lunch on Mondays and Tuesdays, and the other on Wednesdays and Thursdays. 

  6. Make suggestions for team meals or communal snacks. Provide input on the food and drinks that are served in the office. 

  7. Plan water breaks. When leading meetings or calls, build in a pause for colleagues to refill their water bottles. 

  8. Eat balanced meals and snacks for sustained energy during the work day. Simple snack ideas include Stone Fruit Energy Bites, Cinnamon Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, Garlic Hummus with baby carrots and Grapefruit Chia Seed Pudding.

  9. Practice chair yoga or stretching. Even a few minutes of movement each day will feel restorative.

  10. Take advantage of wellness opportunities. Many insurance plans cover appointments with registered dietitians.

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