A Resolution To Get More: Fiber

A Resolution To Get More: Fiber

It’s hard to talk about New Year’s resolutions without talking about quitting. In years past, many of my resolutions never made it out of January. Something that has made goal setting easier and more achievable for me is to focus on adding, rather than subtracting. This year I’m resolving to get more fiber.

There are two types of fiber. The first, soluble fiber, dissolves in water helping to slow digestion, stabilize blood sugar, and keep you full for longer. Soluble fiber can be found in oats, beans, barley, nuts, seeds, bananas, citrus, apples, avocado, sweet potatoes, and cruciferous veggies among others. 

The second type, insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water but moves through your system as a bulky rough material. This material acts like a scrubbing brush in your digestive system to improve your digestive health and movement. Good sources of insoluble fiber include whole grains, potatoes, leafy veggies, cabbage, green beans and berries.

Many fiber-rich plant foods contain both types of fiber in varying amounts. Both types can help support a healthy body weight, lower inflammation, cholesterol and blood sugar, regulate digestion and lower your risk of colon cancer. There are so many reasons to add more!

Looking for inspiration? Try out our recipe for Banana Flax Fiber Muffins - a great way to start your day or a perfect coffee break snack.

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Banana Flax Fiber Muffins

Banana Flax Fiber Muffins